Best credit counseling in Singapore is the source of financial disaster for millions of Americans. Whether you have one card or many, credit counselling services are available to help. They can work with you to develop a debt management plan, lower your interest rates or even get (late) fees waived. Credit counselling agencies are also often familiar with lenders’ hardship programs, which may allow you to skip payments or reduce your interest rate temporarily if you lose your job or become ill.
What to Expect from Credit Counselling Services in Singapore
You can find credit counselling agencies in person, online or over the phone, with some offering both in-person and virtual counseling. Some are part of national organizations, such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Better Business Bureau. Others are independently owned and operated. If you choose to work with an independent agency, your best bet is to check out the company’s credentials by looking at its certification and nonprofit status. It’s also wise to talk to friends and family, community leaders, your local consumer protection agency and your financial institution for recommendations and referrals.
Before you meet with a credit counselor, be sure to have your financial information in order, including copies of your last paycheck and current debts. That way, you can avoid the frustration of meeting with a counselor who can’t advise without all the relevant details. Also be on the lookout for red flags, such as a credit counselor who pushes debt management as your only option, claims to be able to remove accurate information from your credit report or charges exorbitant fees.…